Franklin Fueling Systems Colibri CL6 Setup and Operators Guide User Manual

Page 23

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Probe Alarms

Displayed Alarm


Recommended Actions

Float Height


A float on the probe listed with the alarm is

being monitored at a varying height outside

of thresholds. Causes can include broken

float and programming, or mistakenly

associating a gasoline and diesel float.

Verify Probe programming. Visually inspect that the probe float type

matches the type of product. Inspect magnet and probe shaft for

cracks or debris and clean if necessary.

Float Missing

A float on the probe listed with the alarm

has not been detected or the probe was

programmed with the incorrect number of


Verify the ‘number of floats’ in Probe programming. Number of

floats must match number of floats installed. Float must be lower

than 5" from the bottom of the probe head.

High Water


The water float on the Tank/Manifold listed

with the alarm is above the programmed

High Water Level Limit.

Verify that the programmed limit is correct. Verify that the Water

Level values on the console correspond with the actual water level

in the tank.

High Product


The product float on the Tank/Manifold listed

with the alarm is above the programmed

High Product Level Limit. Tank may be close

to an overfull condition.

Verify that the programmed limit is correct. Verify that the Gross

Product Level values on the console correspond with actual product

level in the tank.

High High

Product Level

The product float on the Tank/Manifold listed

with the alarm is above the programmed

High High Product Level Limit. Tank may be

near an overfull condition.

Verify that the programmed limit is correct. Verify that the Gross

Product Level values on the console correspond with actual product

level in the tank.

Low Product


The product float on the Tank/Manifold listed

with the alarm is below the programmed Low

Product Level Limit. Tank may be close to an

empty condition.

Verify that the programmed limit is correct. Verify that the Gross

Product Level values on the console correspond with actual product

level in the tank.

Low Low

Product Level

The product float on the Tank/Manifold listed

with the alarm is below the programmed Low

Low Product Level Limit. Tank may be near

an empty condition.

Verify that the programmed limit is correct. Verify that the Gross

Product Level values on the console correspond with actual product

level in the tank.

No Probe


This alarm indicates a communication error

between the console and the probe listed

with the alarm.

Verify Probe programming. Inspect the probe wiring from the probe

module to the probe.




This alarm indicates a communication error

between the console and the probe listed

with the alarm.

Verify Probe programming. Inspect the probe wiring from the probe

module to the probe.

RTD Table Error The RTD Table programmed for the probe

listed with the alarm is incorrect.

Verify the RTD Table programming.



This alarm indicates a temperature sensor

error or failure inside the probe shaft of the

probe listed with the alarm.

Verify the RTD Table programming. Visually inspect probe shaft for

defects and cracks.

Unstable Probe This alarm indicates inconsistent data from

the probe listed with the alarm.

Inspect the probe wiring from the probe module to the probe. Verify

that the product in the tank is both physically and thermally stable.