Car2012te series rectifier, Data sheet – GE Industrial Solutions CAR2012TE series User Manual
Page 12

Data Sheet
CAR2012TE series rectifier
Input: 85Vac to 264Vac; Output: 12 Vdc @ 2000W; 3.3Vdc or 5 Vdc @ 4A
February 9, 2014
©2013 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Page 12
Store_default_code (0x13):
Default values desired to be
overwritten must be executed one at a time. In this fashion
some protection is offered to ensure that only those values
that are desired to be changed are in fact changed.
Vout_mode (0x20):
This is a ‘read only’ register. The upper
three bits specify the supported data format, in this case
Linear mode. The lower five bits specify the exponent of the
data being read back in two’s complement binary format for
output voltage related commands, such as Vout_command.
These commands have a 16 bit mantissa. The exponent is
fixed by the module and is returned by this command.
Bits [7:5]
Bits [4:0] (exponent)
Linear 000b xxxxxb
Vout_Command (0x21) :
This command is used to change the
output voltage of the power supply.
Changing the output voltage should be performed
simultaneously to all power supplies operating in parallel
using the Global Address (Broadcast) feature. If only a single
power supply is instructed to change its output, it may
attempt to source all the required power which can cause
either a power limit or shutdown condition.
Software programming of output voltage permanently
overrides the set point voltage configured by the Vprog
signal pin. The program no longer looks at the ‘Vprog pin’ and
will not respond to any hardware voltage settings. If power is
removed from the µController it will reset itself into its default
configuration looking at the Vprog signal for output voltage
control. In many applications, the Vprog pin is used for
setting initial conditions, if different that the factory setting.
Software programming then takes over once I
communications are established.
To properly hot-plug a power supply into a live backplane, the
system generated voltage should get re-configured into
either the factory adjusted firmware level or the voltage level
reconfigured by the margin pin. Otherwise, the voltage state
of the plugged in power supply could be significantly different
than the powered system.
Voltage margin range: 10.8Vdc – 13.2 Vdc.
Fan_command_1 (0x3B):
This command instructs the power
supply to increase the speed of the fan. The transmitted data
byte represents the hex equivalent of the duty cycle in
percentage, i.e. 100% = 0 x 64h. The command can only
increase fan speed, it cannot instruct the power supply to
reduce the fan speed below what the power supply requires
for internal control.
Sending 00h tells the power supply to revert back to its
internal control.
Vout_OV_fault_limit (0x40):
Sets the value at which the main
output voltage will shut down. The default OV_fault value is
set at 60Vdc. This level can be permanently changed and
stored in non-volatile memory.
Vout_OV_warn_limit (0x42):
OV_warning is extremely useful
because it gives the system controller a heads up that the
output voltage is drifting out of regulation and the power
supply is close to shutting down. Pre-amative action may be
taken before the power supply would shut down and
potentially disable the system. This level can be permanently
changed and stored in non-volatile memory.
Iout_OC_fault_limit (0x46):
Sets the value at which the power
supply will shut down. The default OC_fault_limit is 68Adc at
high_line and 30A at low_line. (The value is contingent on
whether the power supply operates in the low_line or
high_line mode). This level can be permanently changed and
stored in non-volatile memory. Which level is changed is
contingent on the input voltage applied to the power supply
at the time the change takes place.
Iout_OC_fault_response (0x47):
Sets the response if the
output overload exceeds the OC_Fault_limit value. The
default OC_fault_response is hiccup (0xF8). The only two
allowable states are latched (0xC0) or hiccup. The default
response state can be permanently changed and stored in
non-volatile memory. The response is the same for both
low_line and high_line operations.
Iout_OC_warn_limit (0x4A):
Sets the value at which the
power supply issues a warning that the output current is
getting too close to the shutdown level. The default
OC_Warn_limit is set to 64.8A at high_line and 27.8A at
low_line. This level can be permanently changed and stored
in non-volatile memory. Which level is changed is contingent
on the input voltage applied to the power supply at the time
the change takes place.
OT_fault_limit (0x4F ):
Sets the temperature value at which
the power supply shuts down. The default OT_fault_limit is
set at TBDC. This level can be permanently changed and
stored in non-volatile memory.
OT_fault_response (0x50):
Sets the response if the output
overtemperature exceeds the OT_Fault_limit value. The
default OT_fault_response is hiccup (0xC0). The only two
allowable states are latched (0x80) or hiccup. The default
response state can be permanently changed and stored in
non-volatile memory.
OT_warn_limit (0x51):
Sets the value at which the power
supply issues a warning that internal temperatures are
getting too close to the shutdown level. The default
OT_Warn_limit is set to TBDC. This level can be permanently
changed and stored in non-volatile memory.