Af-600 fp lonworks, 2 explanation of the control bits – GE Industrial Solutions AF-600 FP Lonworks User Manual

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6.2.2 Explanation of the Control Bits

Bits 00 and 01:
Bits 00 and 01 are used to choose between the four reference values, which are pre-programmed in par. C-05 Multi-step Frequency 1 - 8 in accordance with the
following table:

Programmed ref. value


Bit 01

Bit 00


C-05 [0]




C-05 [1]




C-05 [2]




C-05 [3]



In par.O-56 Preset Reference Select, a selection is made to define how Bit 00/01 gates with the corresponding function on the digital inputs.

Bit 02, DC brake:
Bit 02 set to [0] leads to DC braking and stop of the motor. Braking current and duration are set in par. B-01 DC Brake Current and par. B-02 DC Braking Time.
Bit 02 set to [1] leads to ramping.

Bit 03, Coasting:
Bit 03 set to [0] causes the frequency converter to immediately release of the motor (the output transistors are "shut off"), so that it coasts to a standstill.
Bit 03 set to [1] enables the frequency converter to start the motor if other starting conditions have been fulfilled.

In par.O-50 Coasting Select, a selection is made to define how Bit 03 gates with the corresponding function on a digital input.

Bit 04, Quick Stop:
Bit 04 set to [0] causes a stop in which the motor speed is ramped down to stop via par. C-23 Quick Stop Decel Time.

Bit 05, Hold output frequency:
Bit 05 set to [0] causes the present output frequency (Hz) to freeze. The frozen output frequency can then be changed only by means of the digital inputs set by
par. E-01 to E-06, programmed to [Speed up] or [Speed down].

If [Freeze output] is active, the frequency converter can only be stopped by the following:

Bit 03 Coasting stop

Bit 02 DC braking

Digital input (par. E-01 to E-06) programmed to DC braking, Coasting stop or Reset and coasting stop.

Bit 06, Ramp stop/start:
Bit 06 set to [0] causes a stop, in which the motor speed is ramped down to stop via the selected ramp down parameter.
Bit 06 set to [1] permits the frequency converter to start the motor, if other starting conditions have been fulfilled.

In par.O-53 Start Select, a selection is made to define how Bit 06 Ramp stop/start gates with the corresponding function on a digital input.

Bit 07, Reset:
Bit 07 set to [0] means no reset.
Bit 07 set to [1] resets a trip. Reset is activated on the leading edge of the signal, i.e. when changing from logic ‘0’ to logic ‘1’.

Bit 08, Jog:
Bit 08 set to [1] causes the output frequency to be determined by par. C-21 Jog Speed [RPM].

Bit 09, Selection of ramp:
Bit 09 set to [0] means that ramp 1 is active (par. F-07, F-08).
Bit 09 set to [1] means that ramp 2 (par. E-10, E-11) is active.

AF-600 FP LonWorks