B&B Electronics GW-7553 - Manual User Manual

Page 70

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GW-7553 PROFIBUS/Modbus TCP Gateway User Manual (Version 1.00, Dec/2008) PAGE: 70

3 parts to explain, as shown in figure 72.

1) Local IP Setting:

IP setting of GW-7553 in this part.

ote IP Setting:

ress, time out value and reconnecting time of the Modbus

) Save interface

“Save to File” button to open “save file dialog” to save IP

The window of “IP Setting” divided into

The user can set local

(2) Rem
The user can set IP add
TCP Slave in this part. When GW-7553 acts as a Modbus TCP Master, these
settings are effective. GW-7553 can connect Modbus TCP Slave devices by these
IP settings and the maximum of Modbus TCP Slave device is 8.

The user can click
setting for backup, click “Save to Device” button to save IP setting to EEPROM
of the GW-7553.

Figure 72 IP setting

5.6 Establish connection with GW-7553

he connection of Utility and GW-7553 is shown in figure 73. Please follow the

tep 1:

ire COM Port of PC to RS-232 port of GW-7553.

steps to establish connection.