B&B Electronics GW-7553 - Manual User Manual

Page 43

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GW-7553 PROFIBUS/Modbus TCP Gateway User Manual (Version 1.00, Dec/2008) PAGE: 43

4.8.1 Receiving data from a Modbus Master device

-- Start the test utility “MBRTU” (figure 40) on the PC.

This utility simulates a Modbus Master device and is on the web site in the
following directory:

(1) Set the COM Port number of the PC
(2) Set the Baud rate to 115200
(3) Set the Line control to N,8,1
(4)Open the connection

Figure 40 MBRTU Utility

--Send Command to write DO of the GW-7553

The user needs to input command (” 01 0F 00 00 00 10 02 FF FF”) here and
click button to send Modbus command: “01 0F 00 00 00
10 02 FF FF E3 90” and then MBRTU can receive response message (” 01 0F
00 00 00 10 54 07”). The user can find byte 0, 1 of the input data area in the
configuration program “SyCon” have changed into “0xFF” at this time, as
shown in the below.