B&B Electronics GW-7553 - Manual User Manual

Page 64

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GW-7553 PROFIBUS/Modbus TCP Gateway User Manual (Version 1.00, Dec/2008) PAGE: 64

3. Safe Value Setting =>

a. New Setting:Open a new safe value setting.
b. Load from file:Load a safe value setting from the file.
c. Load from device:Load a safe value setting from the GW-7553.

4. View =>

a. Space configuration in device:Display memory address configuration

of select module in the GW-7553.

b. Space configuration in PROFIBUS:Display memory address

configuration of select module in PROFIBUS Master station.

c. Space configuration in Modbus:Display memory address

configuration of select module in the Modbus.

5. Help =>

a. Get Firmware Version From Module:Show firmware version of the


b. About Utility:Show about version of the utility.

5.2.2 COM Port settings

1. Port: COM1~COM8
2. Baud rate: 2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
3. Parity: None/Odd/Even
4. Data bit: 8 data bit
5. Stop bit: 1 stop bit

5.2.3 Module state
It can display the number of modules in the GW-7553 and display module
parameters in the window of the module parameter by click the module’s icon.

5.2.4 Module parameters
Display module parameters of the GW-7553.

5.2.5 Connection status of device and COM Port

Module state:Display connection status between the utility and the GW-7553.

The green color means connected and the red color means

COM Port state:Display state of the PC’s COM Port. The green color means

COM Port is open and the red color means COM Port is close.