Options – M&C TechGroup SP2500-H_C_I_BB_F Operator's manual User Manual

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Gas sampling and gas conditioning technology




The following list shows the options available. The diversity of options and modular design of M&C
gas sample probes ensure optimum probe selection to suit the particular process and ambient


Article No.

Basic typeSP2500H, heated to 0-180°C, with weatherproof cover,
Material stainless steel 1.4571

20 S 3510

Basic type SP2500-H/C/I/BB, heated to 180°C, with weatherproof cover,
Material stainless steel 1.4571

20 S 3520

Basic type SP2500-H/C/I/BB/F, heated to 0-180°C, with weatherproof cover,
Material stainless steel 1.4571

20 S 3500


Power supply 115V/60Hz/115V

20 S 9030

Type with second sampled gas outlet 1/4" NPTi*/2x*

20 S 9015

Type with backflushing/calibration gas supply valve (C*), opening pressure 0.7 bar,
tube 8 mm*

20 S 9435

Type with glass filter element 0.1GF150, filter fineness 0.1 µm,
seal PTFE/GF150

20 S 9020

Type with special filter housing cover with spun glass cartridge
Including spun glass filling, seal FPM, Novapress/FW

20 S 9047

Type with PT100 sensor instead of capillary controller,
without thermostat/PT100

20 S 9025

Type with thermocouple Fe-CuNi (type J) instead of capillary controller,
without thermostat/Fe-CuNi

20 S 9027

Type with thermocouple Ni-CrNi (type K) instead of capillary controller,
without thermostat/Ni-CrNi

20 S 9028

Type with second PT100 sensor/2-PT100

20 S 9026

Type with special intermediate flange adapter DN..PN6 or ANSI..150 lbs/DN

20 S 9004

Support tube adapter type SP2500H/SA500 for supporting the installation of long sample
tubes and preliminary filters with extension tube, including flange gasket, material 1.4571

20 S 9433

Type with gas pre-heater GVW1, material stainless steel 2-1.2.5/GVW1

20 S 9058

Connection of gas pre-

heater to connection “BB“ and gas inlet/GVW

20 S 9062

Type with steam heating without regulating and valves
Instead of capillary controller/D

20 S 9033

* only SP2500-H