American Magnetics 286 Multi-Sensor Liquid Level Instrument (CE-Marked) User Manual
Page 89
Remote Interface Reference
Level and Usage Queries
Returns the LO alarm value for the selected channel in the presently
selected remote units.
Sets the RATE alarm limit for the selected channel in the presently
selected remote units per hour. The RATE alarm applies to both positive
(fill) or negative (empty) usage rates.
Returns the RATE alarm value for the selected channel in the presently
selected remote units per hour.
ALARm:MUTE {0|1}
Mutes or enables the continuous audible alarm if a HI, LO, or RATE alarm
condition exists. Error conditions will still report as a short audible beep.
“0” or “NO” enables the continuous audible alarm. “1” or “YES” disables (or
mutes) the continuous audible alarm.
Returns “1” if the continuous audible alarm is muted, “0” otherwise.
Level and Usage Queries
The level and usage queries return the current level and usage rate in the
presently selected remote units.
Returns the level for the selected channel in the presently selected remote
Returns the usage rate for the selected channel in the presently selected
remote units per minute.
Fill Modes Control and Query Commands
The following commands and queries control and return the AC output
states for the various controller modes.
FILL:MODE {0|1|2}
Selects the controller mode. An argument of “0” or “NORMAL” selects the
normal mode of operation (two independent auto-fills). An argument of “1”
or “AUTOCH” selects the auto-changeover mode. An argument of “2” or
“PRECOOL” selects the pre-cool mode.