3Com 1100 User Manual

Page 246

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roving analysis 28, 87

displaying information via CLI 127
enabling 88
ports, defining 87
removing via CLI 128
setting up via CLI 127
start data monitoring via CLI 128
stop data monitoring via CLI 129

Roving Analysis Setup page 86
Roving Analysis State listbox (Roving Analysis Setup

page) 88


SDB. See Switch Database
security 24
Security listbox (Port Setup page) 64
Select Action Type listbox (Switch Database

page) 74

Select menu option prompt 97
Serial Line Interface Protocol. See SLIP
Serial Number field (System/Display menu) 144
Serial Web Utility 227

solving problems 219

side-bar icons 50
side-bar of the web interface 48
Simple Network Management Protocol. See SNMP
SLIP addresses

entering 134

SNMP community strings, specifying 137
SNMP GET command 139
SNMP GET NEXT command 139
SNMP management 28, 32

setting up 37
solving problems 218

SNMP menu 98
SNMP objects, modifying values of 140
SNMP objects, retrieving values of 139
SNMP SET command 140
software features

explanation 21
summary 20

Software Upgrade page 89
Software Version field (Unit Status page) 57
software version number 13
software, upgrading 89, 231
softwareUpgrade command (System menu) 153
Spanning Tree bridge priority, setting for the current

switch 115

Spanning Tree fast start, enabling or disabling for the

current port 112

Spanning Tree forward delay parameter, setting for

the current switch 114

Spanning Tree hello timer, setting for the current

switch 115

Spanning Tree listbox (Advanced Stack Setup

page) 77

Spanning Tree maximum age parameter, setting for

the current swtich 115

Spanning Tree path cost, setting for the current

port 112

Spanning Tree Protocol. See STP
Spanning Tree, enabling or disabling for the current

switch 116

speed of the ports

displaying 55
specifying 62, 121

Speed/Duplex listbox (Port Setup page) 62
stack management 21
stacks, configuring 71, 141
Standby Link column (Resilient Links page) 80
start command (Feature/Analyzer menu) 128
State field (System/Inventory menu) 145
Statistics (RMON group) 204, 207
statistics command (Ethernet menu) 123
statistics, displaying for the current port 92, 123
statistics, displaying for the current Switch 91
Status column (Switch Database page) 73
stop command (Feature/Analyzer menu) 129
Store and Forward forwarding mode 21
STP 27, 193

avoiding the subdivision of VLANs 201
Bridge Identifier 196
Bridge Protocol Data Units 196
configurations 199
connecting to legacy Switch units 202
default port costs 196
default priority 196
Designated Bridge 197
Designated Bridge Port 197
enabling 202
example 198
Hello BPDUs 197
Max Age 197
priority 196
Root Bridge 196
Root Path Cost 197
Root Port 197
using on a network with multiple VLANs 201

stpCost command (Bridge/Port menu) 112
stpFastStart command (Bridge/Port menu) 112
stpForwardDelay command (Bridge menu) 114
stpHelloTime command (Bridge menu) 115
stpMaxAge command (Bridge menu) 115
riority command (Bridge menu) 115
stpState command (Bridge menu) 116