3Com 1100 User Manual

Page 242

background image





Capture (RMON group) 207
CD-ROM 34, 227, 231
Collisions field (Ethernet/Statistics menu) 125
Color Key page 54
color-coding of ports, displaying 54
command area of the command line interface 97
command line interface

accessing 96
bridge menu 97
command summary 101
Ethernet menu 97
exiting 96
Feature menu 98
IP menu 98
management 28, 32
map 99
menu description 97
moving the focus of 141
number of simultaneous users 97
SNMP menu 98
solving problems 216
System menu 98
Top-level menu 97

commands, entering in the command line

interface 99

community command (SNMP menu) 137
community strings

default 137
specifying 137

Configuration icon 50
Configuration pages

accessing 50
overview 51

Confirm Password field (Password Setting page) 69
Console connection listbox (Console Port

Configuration page) 67

console port

configuring 66
settings 36

Console Port Configuration page 66
contact details, specifying 142
Contact field (System/Display menu) 143
Contact field (Unit Status page) 56
Contact page 71

notice icons 13
text 14

CRC Errors field (Ethernet/Statistics menu) 125
create command (Bridge/VLAN menu) 116
Create VLAN page 84



passwords 39
settings 29
users 39

Default Router field (IP Setup page) 59
Default VLAN 165
define command (Feature/Resilience menu) 130
define command (IP/Interface menu) 133
define command (SNMP/Trap menu) 137
define command (System/Security/User menu) 147
delete command (Bridge/VLAN menu) 117
Description field (System/Inventory menu) 145
descriptive names

specifying 46, 67

Designated Bridge 197
Designated Bridge Port 197
detail command (Bridge/Port menu) 111
detail command (Bridge/VLAN menu) 117
detail command (Feature/Resilience menu) 130
detail command (Feature/Trunk menu) 132
display command (Bridge menu) 105
display command (Feature/Analyzer menu) 127
display command (IP/Interface menu) 135
display command (SNMP/Trap menu) 138
display command (System menu) 143
display command (System/Security/Access

menu) 149

display command (System/Security/User menu) 148
Display Database Entries table (Switch Database

page) 73

Documentation field (Documentation page) 70
Documentation icon 49
Documentation page 70
documentation, online. See online documentation
download utility 231
duplex mode

displaying 55
specifying 62, 121

duplex modes 22


Edit VLAN page 84
Enter MAC Address field (Switch Database page) 74
Errors fields (Ethernet/Statistics menu) 125
Ethernet menu 97
Events (RMON group) 205, 207
External Link icons 49