Xerox 4213 User Manual
Page 243

Orientation command, 3-21
origin and page orientation, 2-80
output positioning, 4-6
Output Tray, E-1 t
Overstrike Start/Overstrike Stop, 2-70
packing, run-length, C-9 to C-11
capacity, 2-12
control commands, 3-17 to 3-26
definition, 2-9 to 2-10
formatting features, 2-55 to 2-56
graphic windows, 2-81 to 2-84
orientation, 2-9
type, userdict operators, 4-1
pagecount integer, 4-4
Page Length, 3-19 to 3-20
Page Size, 3-18
values, 3-19 t
feed, 2-10 to 2-11
sizes and imageable areas, 4-2 t
throughput, 4-12 t
papername, 4-1
Paper Source
values, 3-17 t
Paper Tray, 2-21 to 2-22
Parallel interface, 1-1
cable, 1-1
parameter character, 3-11
parameters, system, 4-3
parity, set, 1-12
PasswordIncorrect error message, 4-3
PCL4 command
reference, 3-13 to 3-62
structure, 3-9 to 3-13
Perforation Region, 3-24 to 3-25
physical and logical paper tray selection, 2-21 t
physical paper size, 2-23 t
Pie Chart, Graphic, 2-103 to 2-105
pin assignments and signals, 1-4 t to 1-5 t, 1-9 t
1-15 t
Pitch, 3-4, 3-38 to 3-39
Plane Prioritise, E-2 t
font placement, 2-59 f
orientation page layout, 3-3 f
paper length values, 3-20 t
PostScript emulation, 2-2, 4-1 to 4-13
predefined fill patterns, 2-100 f
Presentation Mode, Raster Graphics, 3-52
primary fonts, 3-1, 3-46
printable area, 3-3 f
printed output, formatting, 2-18 to 2-28
command, definition, 2-3
errors, handling, 4-11 to 4-13
operation, return, 1-13
Printer Reset, 3-14
printing the sequence = UDK = as text, 2-7
Print Job, 2-15 to 2-17
print mode, return, 1-2
process, sixel encoding, C-4 to C-7
product string, 4-5
publications, related, vi
purpose of this manual, xx
Push/Pop Cursor Position, 3-34
radio frequency emissions, iii to iv
rasterisation, C-3 f
raster graphics, 2-78 to 2-79
Raster Graphics Presentation Mode, 3-52
Raster Graphics Resolution, 3-51
values for graphics resolution 3-52 t
Ready and On-line and Demand, 1-11
Reassignment, Character, 2-112 to 2-113
record terminator, 2-112
record-type indicator, 2-110
reference tables, D-1 t to D-17 t
Canadian EME, iii
European, EME, iv
related publications, vi
relative placement, 2-60 to 2-62
Relative, Text Placement, 2-60 to 2-62
requirements, Centronics interface voltage, 1-7 t
Reset, 2-2, 2-17 to 2-18
resident fonts, 3-6
LJII, 3-7 t to 3-8 t
resolution and magnification, 2-85 to 2-86
restrictions on 4213 printer, text placement, 2-40
return to
printer operation, 1-13
print mode, 1-2
reversed printing and normal printing, 2-87 f
reversing images, 2-87
revision integer, 4-5
Right Margin, 3-22
rotating images, 2-87 to 2-88
rotation, graphic window, 2-88 f
RS232 C (serial) connector, 1-13 f
rules and regulations, FCC, iii to v
run-length packing, C-9 to C-11