Purpose of this manual, What this manual contains – Xerox 4213 User Manual
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Purpose of this manual
This reference manual provides information on such tasks for
which you might use these printer commands including:
Changing default settings
Loading or changing character tables
Accessing a feature on the printer that is not supported by an
application software package
Loading new fonts or accessing fonts not supported by an
application software package
Writing or modifying printer drivers in application software
Once the software package has been configured for a specific
printer it is then necessary to select a printer emulation for the
4213 printer. For directions on installing, enabling, and
configuring a printer emulation, refer to the Xerox 4213 Laser
Printer User Guide.
What this manual contains
Chapter 1: Interfaces
Chapter 2: XES Command Language Mode
Chapter 3: HP LaserJet Mode
Chapter 4: PostScript Language Mode
Appendix A: Reassigning character tables covers how to
download character assignments from the host to the printer and
how to change from one character set to another.
Appendix B: Conversion tables for units of measure shows how
units of measure for margins and tabs translate into character
pitch and lines per inch.
Appendix C: Sixel encoding shows how to format bitmap
graphics so that the printer can process them.