Adding a dns server name, Do i need to add a dns server name – Zoom ADSL X6v User Manual

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Adding a DNS Server Name

Do I need to add a DNS server name?

Typically you should not need to enter a DNS server name as it is
assigned automatically when your connection is established.
However, your ISP may instruct you to enter an IP address for a
DNS server name. Here is a picture of the DNS page where you
add the IP address:

Note: If a DNS server IP address is currently assigned, it will be
displayed on the page. You must delete it before adding the new IP

The following table shows you the values to enter. After you enter
the value, click Add, then Write Settings to Flash.



DNS Server List

Shows the list of currently configured
DNS servers.

New DNS Server
IP Address

Enter the IP address of the DNS
server that your ISP instructed you to

Chapter 6: Using Router Setup