ZyXEL Communications Prestige 28641 User Manual

Page 67

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Remote Node Configuration 53

activated in the future. Deactivated nodes are displayed with a -
(minus sign) at the beginning of the name in Menu 11.

3. Call Direction - If this parameter is set to Both, the Prestige can

both place and receive calls to/from this Remote Node. If set to
Incoming, the Prestige will not place a call to this Remote Node. If
set to Outgoing, the Prestige will drop any call from this Remote

Several other fields in this menu depend on this parameter. For
example, in order to enable Call Back, the Call Direction must be

4. Incoming: Rem Node Login Name - Enter the login name that

this Remote Node will use when it calls into the Prestige. The login
name in this field combined with the Rem Node Password will be
used to authenticate the incoming calls from this node.

5. Incoming: Rem Node Password - Enter the password used when

this Remote Node calls into the Prestige.

6. Incoming: Rem CLID - This field is active only if Call Direction is

either Both or Incoming. Otherwise, an N/A appears in the field.
This is the Calling Line ID (the telephone number of the calling
party) of this Remote Node. If you enable the CLID Authen field in
Menu 13 - Default Dial In, the Prestige will check this number
against the CLID in the incoming call. If they do not match and the
CLID Authen is Required, then the Prestige will reject the call.

7. Incoming: Call Back - This field will be valid only if Call Direction

is Both. Otherwise, an N/A appears in the field. This field
determines whether or not you wish the Prestige to call back after
receiving a call from this Remote Node. If this option is enabled, the
Prestige will disconnect the initial call from this node and call it back
at the Outgoing Primary Phone Number (see below).