Problems with the isdn line, The isdn initialization failed, The isdn loopback test failed – ZyXEL Communications Prestige 28641 User Manual

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136 Troubleshooting

Problems With the ISDN Line

The ISDN initialization failed

This problem occurs when you attempt to save the parameters entered
in menu 2, but receive the message, “Save successful, but Failed to
initialize ISDN; Press ESC to exit”.

1. Check the error log (in menu 24.3.1), you should see a log entry for

the ISDN initialization failure in the format, “ISDN init failed.
code...”. Note the code number, n.

2. If the code is 1, the ISDN link is not up. This problem could be

either the ISDN line is not properly connected to the Prestige, or
the ISDN line is not activated. Verify that the ISDN line is
connected to the Prestige and also to the wall outlet (to the
telephone company).

3. If the code is 2, this indicates an SPID error. Verify the SPID(s)

that you have entered in menu 2. If these are correct, try to initialize
again from menu 24.4.3.

4. If the code is 3, this indicates a general failure. Verify the SPID(s) in

menu 2. If these are correct, you may also need to verify the
provisioning information for your switch by contacting your
telephone company.

The ISDN loopback test failed

If the ISDN initialization has passed, then the loopback test should also
pass. Verify the phone numbers that have been entered in menu 2. The
loopback test will dial the number entered in the 2


Phone # field

(except for switch types with only one phone number). If you need to
dial a prefix (e.g., 9) to get an outside line, then you have to enter the
phone number as 95551212 or 914085551212. If it is an internal line,