Setting up your work space, General conditions, Placement of computer – Toshiba 6100 User Manual

Page 82: Setting up your work space -2, General conditions -2 placement of computer -2

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User's Manual





Setting up your work space

Establishing a comfortable work site is important for you and your computer. A
poor work environment or stressful work habits can result in discomfort or
serious injury from repetitive strain to your hands, wrists or other joints. Proper
ambient conditions should also be maintained for the computer’s operation. This
section discusses the following topics:

General conditions

Placement of the computer and peripheral devices

Seating and posture


Work habits

General conditions

In general, if you are comfortable, so is your computer, but read the following to
make sure your work site provides a proper environment.

Make sure there is adequate space around the computer for proper ventilation.

Make sure the AC power cord connects to an outlet that is close to the
computer and easily accessible.

The temperature should be 5 to 35 degrees Centigrade (41 to 95 degrees
Fahrenheit) and the relative humidity should be 20 to 80 percent.

Avoid areas where rapid or extreme changes in temperature or humidity may

Keep the computer free of dust, moisture, and exposure to direct sunlight.

Keep the computer away from heat sources, such as electric heaters.

Do not use the computer near liquids or corrosive chemicals.

Do not place the computer near objects that create strong magnetic fields
(e.g., stereo speakers).

Do not operate the computer in close proximity to a mobile phone.

Placement of computer

Position the computer and peripheral devices to provide comfort and safety.

Set the computer on a flat surface at a comfortable height and distance. The
display should be no higher than eye level to avoid eye strain.