Switching software versions, Resetting ric-155 – RAD Data comm 10/100BaseT to STM-1/OC-3 Converter RIC-155 User Manual

Page 59

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RIC-155 Installation and Operation Manual

Chapter 4 Configuration

Additional Tasks


The Software Version screen appears (see

Figure 4-24)



SW files

Software active version: 1.00

Software active partition: 0

Code size: 190

Date: 28-02-03

Software backup version: 0.00n00

Software backup partition: 1

Code size: 0

Date: 0-0-0

Boot version: 2.20

Boot mng version: 4.00

SW Files Table; !-main menu; &-exit

Figure 4-24. Software Version Screen

Switching Software Versions

If the active software becomes corrupted, you can switch it with the backup file.

To switch software versions:
1. From the File System menu, select Swap SW Files.

RIC-155 displays the following message:
Request to swap SW files!!! Are you sure? Y/N

2. Type Y to confirm the file swap.

RIC-155 performs the swap and sends the following string:
Program Switching
The active software becomes backup and vice versa. At this stage, RIC-155
is automatically reset.

If you try to switch the software versions when only one version is available,
RIC-155 responds with the following message:
Impossible to switch – no other program
Press any key to continue

Resetting RIC-155

RIC-155 supports two types of reset:
• Reset to the default setting

Resetting all parameters

Resetting all parameters, except for master clock and management options

• Overall reset of the device.