Resetting the wan interface, Configuration and connection, D.11 – RAD Data comm E1 Interface Converter RIC-E1 User Manual

Page 82: D-26, D.11 view menu

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Appendix D IR-IP Interface Module

RIC-E1 Installation and Operation Manual

D-26 View


This operation restarts the IR-IP LAN controller.

To continue your Telnet session, press any key within 15 seconds following the

confirmation of the reset operation.

Resetting the WAN Interface

To reset the WAN interface:
• From the Resets menu, type 3.

You will be prompted to confirm the reset operation.

Resetting the WAN interface causes the WAN controller to be restarted. This results

in renegotiation of the WAN protocol parameters.

To continue your Telnet session, press any key within 15 seconds following the

confirmation of the reset operation.

D.11 View


The View menu is used to view the IR-IP configuration data, and display
information on its ARP tables, multicast Groups tables and statistics.

To access the View menu:
• From the Main menu, type 5.

The View menu appears (

Figure D-22



S/W Ver. 1.21 31/IR (date)

Quick Setup
Management Access
Advanced Setup
Device Control


1. Configuration and Connection

2. ARP Tables

3. Multicast Groups Table



Press one of the numbers to select or ESC:

Figure D-22. View Menu

Configuration and Connection

This screen is used to view the configuration parameters of IR-IP. In addition, you
can also view the current status of the LAN and WAN interface.

To access the Configuration and Connection screen:
• From the View menu, type 1.

The View Configuration screen appears (

Figure D-23




Order from: Cutter Networks
