4 remove slave boxes from stack, Case iii: add new slave boxes to an existing stack, Remove slave boxes from stack – Planet Technology IPX-2000 User Manual

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and assign it to the routegroup “_192168001101_192168001100” which associates with the

intra trunk “_192168001101_192168001100”


. Case II: Stack a new IP PBX box with an existing running box

This case means that there is a standalone box up running for a while. Now you would like to add a

new box to form a cluster. Therefore, the standalone box will become a master box later.


Ensure the new box has factory default settings before being stacked.


Ensure the new box has TCP routing to the existing box via LAN interface if they are in different

local networks.


Now, backup the IP PBX configuration on the existing box. Then restore this configuration to the

new one.


On new box, remove all trunk configurations including routes and routegroups, and all Meet-me

conference configurations first.

5. Go


System -> Stackable of the new box, specify master’s IP address and click Apply.

6. Go


System -> Stackable of the existing box, select Enable Master Mode check box, enter IP

address and SIP port of the new box, and then click Add.

7. Click


8. Go


Service -> IP PBX Service of the existing box, and click Restart to reflect the changes.

The existing box turns to be a master box and the new box is a slave box in the cluster. Case III: Add new slave boxes to an existing stack

Similar to Case II, you can also add more slave boxes to an existing cluster. Remove slave boxes from stack

1. Go


System -> Stackable of the master box.


Select IP address of a slave box you would like to remove in Slave Peers, and then click Delete.

3. Click


4. Go


Service -> IP PBX Service of the master box, and click Restart to reflect the changes.

The cluster no longer owns the removed box. The removed box gets off the cluster and would turn

back to be standalone. Moreover, the master box would also turn back to be standalone if all slave

boxes are removed and the cluster does not exist any more.


Here, please note that we always use 0 for number of stripped digits.


You probably notice IP addresses of two boxes meshed by an intra trunk determine name of the intra trunk.

In this case, the name of intra trunk from box B ( toward box A ( is
_192168001101_192168001100. Meanwhile, the routegroup associated with this intra trunk has the same name.