Planet Technology IPX-2000 User Manual
Page 109
10. Create a route, ext-br, with pattern “2XX” and number of digits stripped “0”, no prefix.
stn-out, containing route pstn only.
extension, and select ext-all
IP trunk with ID 100; password hq-secret; do not select DID, and select
ergroup of privilege.
configuration. For usergroup staff, choose pstn-out as outbound routegroup
r pstn1, choose to-br as outbound routegroup for 100 in Associated Trunks, and select utility
ser Group; while for usergroup utility, only select staff in Reachable User Group.
onfiguration steps in B-BR:
oups named staff, utility, and ext-all.
Create a user account for each staff and assign it to usergroup staff.
unt named public and assign it to usergroup utility.
Assign extensions of staff phones to corresponding users.
sign all extensions of utility phones to share the same user, public.
digits stripped “1”, no prefix.
-hq, with pattern “9001408.” with number of digits stripped “7”, prefix “9”.
ts stripped “0”, no prefix.
, containing route pstn only.
2. Create a routegroup, to-hq, containing routes pstn-hq and ext-hq.
N trunk with ID 1, port 1-2, do not select any DID of extension, and select ext-all as
D 100 pointing to port 5060; password hq-secret; do not select
DID, and select staff as the usergroup of privilege.
sergroup configuration. For usergroup staff, choose pstn-out as outbound routegroup
11. Create a routegroup, p
12. Create a routegroup, to-br, containing routes pstn-br and
13. Create a PSTN trunk with ID “1”, port “1-4”, do not select any DID of
as the usergroup of privilege.
14. Create a dynamic peer S
staff as the us
15. Return to usergroup
in Reachable U
16. Reload the IP PBX Serv
Create usergr
2. Add
staff and utility in the Reachable User Groups of
Create an additional user acco
Create a device for each physical phone and designate an
Create a route, pstn, with pattern “9Z.” with number of
Create a route, pstn
10. Create a route, ext-hq, with pattern “1XX” and number of digi
11. Create a routegroup, pstn-out
13. Create a PST
the usergroup of privilege.
14. Create a SIP trunk with I
15. Return to u
for pstn1, choose to-hq as outbound routegroup for 100 in Associated Trunks and select utilit
in Reachable User Group; while for usergroup utility, only select staff in Reachable User Group.
16. Reload the IP PBX Servic