Powerware Model V-2000B User Manual

Page 43

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Basic Operations = 41

Figure 9: File Dialog Box

4. After a brief pause, the time code digits will appear and the server is in Record Ready

mode. A recording can be started without further delay.

5. Click the RECORD button. It will turn red while recording.
6. Click STOP when complete.
7. The server will remain in Record Ready mode, and additional recordings can be made

immediately by following steps 3 through 6.

If the server is available for use as an ingest station, two methods are available for auditioning a
new recording:

Channel 1 can play the recording immediately after it is made, but not during the recording

process. This approach is valuable if Channels 2 and 3 are in use for another purpose.

If Channel 2 or 3 is available, it can be used to play the recording while it is being made. A
short delay is required before a clip being recorded becomes available for playout.

The maximum recording time for clips is about 12 hours. The Image Server will stop recording

and save the file at that time.
If an error that would corrupt the clip is detected during recording, the Image Server will

terminate the recording operation. The clip will be saved, and will contain all material up to

the point of corruption.
Do not change the record configuration (bit rate, GOP structure, number of audio channels,

etc) after a new clip is named and ready to record. The configuration changes will NOT be

applied to the cued recording. Set up the record configuration before naming the recording.