Startup scenarios – Smart Technologies 3000i User Manual

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3000i Installation Guide


Startup Scenarios

If your 3000i is situated in a multi-user meeting room, you may find the unit in a non-operational
state when you enter the room. The table below describes what you may need to do to restore
the 3000i to a fully operational state.

What You See

What You Should Do

• Screen is black
• Standby LED is off

The projector is in standby mode (with lamp off).

1 Press the Projector Standby button on the Control

Panel. The LED indicator will start flashing, and,
after 30 seconds, either a blue SMART "No Source
Signal" screen appears or the screen will be
restored to its pre-standby state.

If the SMART "No Source Signal" screen appears:
1 Touch the screen, press the Display Source button

or press a key on the wireless keyboard. If the
previous user logged off, the logon screen appears.
Otherwise, the screen is restored to its pre-standby

2 Log on as usual (using the wireless keyboard).

• SMART "No Source Signal" screen
• Standby LED is steadily illuminated

The projector lamp is powered up, but the computer is
either off or in standby mode.

1 Press a key on the wireless keyboard to wake up the

computer. The login screen appears.

If the SMART "No Source Signal" screen remains:
1 Open the front doors and turn the computer on (or

press the computer reset button). The logon screen

2 Log on as usual (using the wireless keyboard).

• Screen is black
• LED indicator is blinking moderately


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The projector lamp is in the process of powering up. The
logon screen appears in 30 seconds.

• Screen is black
• LED is blinking very quickly
No Display Source LED is illuminated

The projector lamp is in reversible standby mode. Press
the Projector Standby button to instantly restore the
image. Or allow standby to continue for five minutes until
the LED indicator begins to blink slowly. After 30
seconds, the projector lamp will go into full standby
mode. At this point, follow the first set of instructions in
this table.

• Logon


The projector lamp is still on, so you can log on as usual
(using the wireless keyboard).

• Projector Standby button has been


• LED indicator remains off

Problems with the projector itself are interfering with the
normal projector lamp warm-up. Examine the projector
status LED indicator, and then consult the
troubleshooting section of the NEC MT1065/MT1060
User's Manual