Document server – Savin 2045 User Manual
Page 11

Document Server
The data from a scanned original is stored as a document on the hard disk of the
machine, and can be viewed, copied, or deleted using DeskTopBinder V2
Lite/Professional from a client computer via a network. A document can be
searched for using the user name or the document name. Also, others can be
kept from viewing a document by setting a password for the document.
p.61 “Using the Document Server Function”
The documents stored in the hard disk of the machine can be viewed, down-
loaded, printed, or deleted using Web browser from a client computer.
For more information about setting Web browser, see Network Guide.
For details about how to view, download, print, or delete stored documents,
see General Settings Guide.
This machine
The data from the originals scanned by
the scanner are stored.
Client computer
A stored document can be viewed, cop-
ied, or deleted by connecting to the ma-
c h i n e u s i n g D e s k T o p B i n d e r V 2
Also, a document stored in the machine
using a Web browser can be viewed,
downloaded or deleted.
For more information about DeskTopBinder V2 Lite, see the DeskTopBinder
V2 Lite manuals. See p.i “Manuals for This Machine”.