3 working with contacts in msn messenger, 4 chatting with contacts in msn messenger – Siemens SX56 User Manual

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6.2.3 Working with Contacts in MSN Messenger


The MSN Messenger window shows all of your
messenger contacts at a glance, divided into Online
and Not Online categories. From this view, while
connected, you can chat, send e-mail, block the
contact from chatting with you, or delete contacts
from your list using the pop up menu.

To see others online without being seen, in the Tools menu, tap My Status and select Appear
. If you block a contact, you will appear offline but will remain on the blocked contact’s list.
To unblock a contact, tap and hold the contact, then tap Unblock on the pop up menu.

6.2.4 Chatting with Contacts in MSN Messenger


Tap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your
message in the text entry area at the bottom of the
screen, or tap My Text to enter a preset message, and
tap Send. To invite another contact to a multi user chat,
in the Tools menu, tap Invite and tap the contact you
want to invite.

To switch back to the main window without closing a chat, tap the Contacts button. To revert
back to your chat window, tap Chats and select the person whom you were chatting with.