2 to view your voice and sms access numbers, 3 to view the network that has been selected, 4 to select a different network – Siemens SX56 User Manual

Page 74

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4.19.2 To view your voice and SMS access numbers:


In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.

2. In

Services, Voice mail and SMS, and then Get Settings (retrieving settings

may take a few minutes).

3. Then


Voice mail and SMS type in the access numbers and tap OK.

4.19.3 To view the network that has been selected:


In phone dialer, tap Tools,
Options and then Network.

2. Tap

Find Network (retrieving

settings may take a few

You can enable this function when the network status is currently out of network service and you
want to conduct a search

4.19.4 To select a different network: