If the battery runs low, If you set a password, and then forget what it is, Immediately plug into an external power source – Siemens SX56 User Manual

Page 117: Shorten your auto-suspend time, Turn off sounds you don’t need, Turn off notification lights

If the battery runs low, If you set a password, and then forget what it is, Immediately plug into an external power source | Shorten your auto-suspend time, Turn off sounds you don’t need, Turn off notification lights | Siemens SX56 User Manual | Page 117 / 138 If the battery runs low, If you set a password, and then forget what it is, Immediately plug into an external power source | Shorten your auto-suspend time, Turn off sounds you don’t need, Turn off notification lights | Siemens SX56 User Manual | Page 117 / 138