Multi-Tech Systems MT5634ZPX User Manual
Page 14

Owner’s Manual
Configure the MultiModemZPX DIP-Switches
and Jumpers
Windows 95 Plug and Play
Unlike an external modem, the MultiModemZPX contains its own
serial port. When Windows 95 detects the MultiModemZPX, it
assigns the next available COM port number to it. Since COM1
and COM2 are standard serial ports in Windows computers,
Windows 95 typically assigns COM3 to the MultiModemZPX’s
serial port. Windows 95 also assigns the MultiModemZPX a port
address and interrupt request (IRQ) number. Because the
number of IRQs is limited, a computer with several accessories
may not have an available IRQ for your new modem. In that
case, you may have to decide which of your other accessories
you can modify or do without.
Non PnP
The MultiModemZPX is equipped with a 4-position DIP-Switch
and 9 Berg Jumpers for easy configuration for Windows Plug
and Play
(PnP) environments as well as non-PnP
enivironments. The factory default configuration is set up for
PnP, but if you wish a different configuration, refer to the
following chart for further information. If you have MS-DOS 6.0
or later, you can find your current COM Port settings from a
diagnostic program called
. To use it, type MSD at the DOS
prompt. After the opening screen, select COM Ports. You will be
shown a list of current device Port Addresses, and will be able to
determine available COM Ports. Be sure that all settings are
correct before proceeding with the installation.