Avid HD OMNI Preamp, I/O, and Monitoring Pro Tools HD Series Interface User Manual
Page 37
Chapter 4: Configuring HD OMNI in Pro Tools
A Note About the 2.1 Format
When using the 2.1 monitoring format,
Pro Tools sends only two output channels (ste-
reo) to HD OMNI. The LFE channel, or .1 chan-
nel, is synthesized on the HD OMNI rather than
being a separate Lf channel from Pro Tools.
Consequently, when using a 2.1 monitoring for-
mat, one stereo pair of Output channels will be
used for the Monitor path, and an additional
stereo pair will be greyed out and unavailable as
it is reserved for the Lf channel on HD OMNI.
This is also reflected in the Output page of the
I/O Setup.
For example, if the 2.1 format is assigned to An-
alog output channels 1–3 in the Monitor Page of
the Hardware Setup (see 1. below), in the Main
Page of the Hardware Setup (see 2. below) and in
the Output page of the I/O Setup (see 3. below),
Analog 1–2 are assigned to “Monitor” and Ana-
log 3–4 are made inactive since channel 3 is re-
served for the Lf channel.
Fold Down
The MAIN and ALT monitoring path
Fold Down
selectors let you select any channel format that
is narrower than the channel format selected for
the corresponding CR Path. For example, if the
MAIN CR Path Format is set to 5.1, it can fold
down to 5.0 or lower channel formats. When
folding down, all channels of the source are au-
tomatically, intelligently mixed down to the
lower channel format so that all source channels
are heard on the monitoring path.
When Fold Down is engaged for a CR Path, the
CR Path Format is “
folded down
” to the selected
Fold Down channel format. When Fold Down is
engaged for a CR Path, monitoring is main-
tained at the selected Format (channel format).
When any Fold Down is set for a CR Path, the
option to engage Fold Down for that CR Path
becomes available. For more information, see
“Fold Down Options” on page 35.
2.1 Monitor path in Hardware Setup and I/O Setup
Folding down loud mixes can cause clipping
in certain circumstances. HD OMNI fold
down algorithms follow common industry
standards, such as summing to mono from
larger formats. If you encounter clipping on
fold down, you may want to reduce the
overall gain of your mix.