FEC AFC1200 User Manual
Page 86

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FIG. 7-15-3-1 FILE UTILITY disk drive selection
path (directory) and FIle (Tag) Selection
Select the appropriate disk drive from the available log options. the lower
window of the screen will display the file and directory information for that drive.
DIrectories are displayed on the screen light blue in color, enclosed in brackets
DEpress the [SEL] key to move the cursor into the lower window of the
display screen. THE first item of the screen will be highlighted. DEpressing the
key while the cursor is highlighting a directory(
directory to be set as the [PATH]. ALL files in that directory will now be displayed in
the lower window of the screen. THE [PATH] name will change to reflect the new
directory .
Depress the [SEL] key to move the cursor into the lower window of the
display screen. THE first item of the screen will be highlighted. Depressing the
key while the cursor is highlighting a file will cause that file to become tagged
(selected) for further operations. The [TAGGED FILE: 0 FILE(S)] amount and
[TAGGED FILE(S): 0 BYTE] volume will be updated for each file tagged (selected).
FIG. 7-15-3-2 FILE UTILITY Tagged file Selection
Chapter 7: System Operation
Page 7-86