FEC AFC1200 User Manual

Page 39

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8.2. Current - If the fastening curve is showing the current plot, the Maximum Current allowed

for the tool's servo will define the vertical scale. For instance: a Tool DFT132M3S/O
will use a servo type 205 which handles a maximum current of 50 Amps. The Full
Scale vertical value will be 50.

8.3. ANGLE - This horizontal "X" axis has a range based on the High Angle limit in Set

Parameter. This scale ends at the High Angle limIT, which displays at the far right on
the Fastening Curve screen. THE range and the low end of this axis scale is
determined by the ANGLE SCALE and DIVIDE (ANGLE) values as set on the
[SCALE] pulldown menu.

The ANGLE SCALE represents the number of samples (Torque/Angle readings) to
be plotted for each fastening. An Angle Scale setting of 200 will result in a Fastening
Curve with 200 points (Torque/Angle readings) plotted on the graph for each

The DIVIDE(ANGLE) represents the sampling frequency in degrees of rotation
(angle). A DIVIDE(ANGLE) setting of "1" would result in a Fastening Curve with
Torque/Angle readings plotted on the graph after every one (1) degree of rotation.

The ANGLE SCALE (number of samples plotted) multiplied by the DIVIDE(ANGLE)
(degrees of rotation between samples) is equal to the range shown on the Angle axis.
This range is applied to the front of the high Angle limit, so the axis scale always ends
at the preset High Angle limit. The scale may begin at a negative (-) number. To
determine the actual Final Angle, the value of the final point must be computed from
the zero (0) point.

The fastening curve ends with the Final Angle/Peak Torque reading, as numerically
displayed in the upper left portion of the graph. If a Fastening Curve is displayed for
multiple spindles, the numerical display will correlate to only one of the spindles as
described in Section 7.4.2.

Up to five (5) spindles can display a curve
at the same time, each in a different
color. If Spindle No. 02 or 03 had a
different Parameter Number, it would not
display. Axis ranges & "accept" window
setups are identical.

01, 02, & 03 chosen (Spindle
Select pulldown). Note: All
spindles are using the same
Parameter Number, as

Spindle No.

For each one (1) degree of rotation
(angle), one of the 200 points will be
plotted (see "Angle Scale", above).



200 points (Torque/Angle readings) will
be plotted for each Fastening Curve.


Angle Scale

(Used in Yield Control, only)

(N/A for this example)

Elongation Angle

(Plotted as part of fastening curve.)

(Fastening Result: 13.7))

Final Angle

(Plotted as part of fastening curve.)

(Fastening Result: 33.16)

Peak Torque




Chapter 7: System Operation

Page 7-39