I-Data 5250 ALLY User Manual
Page 204

AGILE 5250 ALLY Users Guide and Reference
Page B-22
Justify Text Field (JTF)
2B D2 nn 03 rere pr
3812, 5219
Specifies that a field of text is to be justified.
Text to be justified follows the command. Justification
ends at the next Justify Text Field (JTF), Carriage Return
(CR), New Line (NL), Required New Line (RNL),
Interchange Record Separator (IRS), Form Feed (FF) or
Required Form Feed (RFF) command.
The left edge of the fields placement is the current print
The rere parameter specifies the right edge the fields
placement in 1/1440-inch units relative to the left
The pr parameter specifies the percentage of white Space
at the end of the field that is to be redistributed within the
Allowed values of pr for 3812 and 5219 printers are 00h
(no change from last value), 32h (50%) and 64h (100%).
If the text to be justified does not fit within the field, no
justification takes place.
JFT cannot occur while Set Justify Mode is active.
Same as IBM.
The 5250 ALLY allows any percentage rule: 00h (no
change), and 01h (1%) to 64h (100%).
The 5250 ALLY turns off justify mode (as set by Set
Justify Mode) upon receiving this command.
The 5250 ALLY performs all calculations necessary to
perform the justification on the target printer.
No operation.