I-Data 5250 ALLY User Manual
Page 203

Page B-21
printer, ensuring that the last logical page from one job
and the first logical page of the next job are not printed
on the same physical page.
When the 5250 ALLY is calculating automatic page
orientation, the setting of the initial condition set
determines how page size will be calculated. If the ic
parameter is set to 01h (Word Processing), then the page
size is determined by the settings of the last received Set
Presentation Page Size (SPPS) command. If the ic
parameter is set to FFh (Data Processing), then the page
width is determined by Maximum Print Position (MPP)
divided by CPI, and the page height is determined by
Maximum Print Line (MPL) divided by LPI.
The system-changeable parameters supported by the 275
are set to their default values.
Set Horizontal Tabs (STAB)
2B D2 nn 01 ff a1 tab1 a2 tab2 a3 tab3
3812, 5219
Sets horizontal Tab characteristics and positions.
The ff parameter specifies the type of Tab stops. If the ff
parameter value is 00h, the Tab stops are column
(floating) positions. If the ff parameter value is 01h, the
Tab stops are fixed positions.
The a1 and a2 parameters are not used but must be
present. All Tab stops are specified by sets of three bytes
The tab1 and tab2 parameters are either column or fixed
positions. For floating Tabs, the tab1 and tab2
parameters are the column numbers relative to the left
margin. For fixed Tabs, the tab1 and tab2 parameters are
the Tab positions in 1/1440-inch units relative to the left
If this command specifies no Tab positions, all current
Tab positions are cleared.
Same as IBM.
No operation.