27bremote site with ilon 10, Remote site with ilon 10, Caution – Honeywell EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 User Manual
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EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
by Windows. Setting up a remote access connection is done via the Windows
Creating New Network Connection procedure.
Remote ARENA via serial modem*
For modem dial-up the Westermo TD33 is supported. The modem connection is
only supported for dial into a remote iLON 10.
Do not switch off or disconnect a modem when operating a modem-connected site.
This causes a malfunction and as a result the need to reboot the PC.
Connect PC and modem to the same power supply. In case of a general power
failure, PC and modem will be restarted simultaneously.
User Authentication and Access
The user is identified by its user name and password. According to the users´ role,
the user can have defined access to particular functions (viewing, editing, etc.).
Connection to Remote ARENA
through Stand-alone Browser
A connection to a remote ARENA is possible:
• through a browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
• through another ARENA, i.e. Supervisor ARENA
A supervisor ARENA can connect to remote ARENAs via
Display remote ARENA within
When connecting from a Supervisor ARENA, the Supervisor ARENA shows the
Web-front end of the remote ARENA in the same way as if it was locally connected.
The site name is displayed on top of each page, so that you know on which site you
are currently working.
Remote Site Configuration via Browser
Remote sites can be configured in the same way as local sites, that is, e.g. it is
possible to:
• Change
• Import description files
For detailed information on Internet Explorer settings when using ARENA as client,
please refer to “How to operate ARENA / RANGER from a Client PC” in the ARENA
/ IRANGER Installation Guide, EN1Z906GE51.
Concurrency of Connections
A remote ARENA can send out an alarm while a supervisor ARENA has dialed in.
This requires the connection of 2 modems.
Trigger a remote connection to
Supervisor ARENA
A remote ARENA is able to trigger a connection via LAN to a Supervisor ARENEA in
order to send out an alarm.
Timeout after Disconnection
If the remote site of an ARENA-ARENA via LAN site combination is disconnected,
the supervisor ARENA has a time out of up to 2 minutes before the tree gets
refreshed to indicate offline state.
Remote Site with iLON 10
Remote sites with iLON 10 allow incoming connections for a Supervisor ARENA.
Connection through a stand-alone browser is not possible.