PLANET MAP-3020 User Manual
Page 61

PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
Page 61 of 126
In order to invoke the live stat window, switch the NMS to the Map Container view, and then
look for the Live Stat Settings portion at the left bottom corner. User may enter the IP Address
of the target node (or just click on the node on the map to load the IP) to be monitored, and its
corresponding SNMP Key. Hit the Start Live Stat button to initiate the window.
At the popup live stat window, click the Start Polling button at the top to start the live stat.
The window consists of two parts: the System Stat and the Client Stat. The System Stat page
displays the memory status of the system and the statistic of the interfaces throughput. The
table will be updated at a certain interval, which is set by the Poll Interval field at the Live Stat
Settings corner.