27 erps command, Erps add, Erps mep – PLANET MGSW-28240F User Manual

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User’s Manual of MGSW-28240F

6.27 ERPS Command

erps add


Create a new ethernet ring protection group.

: protection group id.

: protection group Port 0.

: protection group Port 1, Port 1 can be 0 for sub-rings.

[major|sub] : ring type i.e major-ring or sub-ring.

[interconnected] : interconnection node or not.

[[virtual_channel] : Virtual channel present or not.

[] : major ring group Id for interconnected sub-ring.


Erps add [major|sub] [interconnected] [virtual_channel] []


: protection group id 1 – 64.

: Port 0 of a protection group.

: Port 1 of a protection group.

major|sub : ring type.

interconnected : Set for interconnected node.

virtual_channel: Set for virtual channel.

: major ring of a sub-ring, when configuring as an interconnected node.


MGSW-28240F:/>erps add 1 1 2 major

erps mep


Associating Port 0/1 MEP to a protection group.

: Mep_ID for finding out Continuity Check errors on Port 0.

: Mep_ID for finding out Continuity Check errors on Port 1.

: Mep_ID for transmitting R-APS frames on Port 0.

: Mep_ID for transmitting R-APS frames on Port 1.

: protection group id for which mep is associating.