Avago Technologies LSI53C140 User Manual
Avago Technologies Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- LSI53C140 Ultra2 SCSI Bus Expander
- Chapter1 Using the LSI53C140
- Chapter2 Functional Descriptions
- 2.1 Interface Signal Descriptions
- 2.2 SCSI Signal Descriptions
- Figure2.2 LSI53C140 Signal Grouping
- 2.2.1 Data and Parity (SD and SDP)
- 2.2.2 SCSI Bus Activity LED (BSY_LED)
- 2.2.3 Select Control (SSEL)
- 2.2.4 Busy Control (SBSY)
- 2.2.5 Reset Control (SRST)
- 2.2.6 Request and Acknowledge Control (SREQ and SACK)
- 2.2.7 Control/Data, Input/Output, Message, and Attention Controls (SCD, SIO, SMSG, and SATN)
- 2.2.8 Differential Direction Control
- 2.2.9 A and B HVD Mode (A_HVD_MODE and B_HVD_MODE)
- 2.2.10 A and B Differential Sense (A_DIFFSENS and B_DIFFSENS)
- 2.2.11 Control Signals
- 2.2.12 SCSI Termination
- Chapter3 LSI53C140 Specifications
- 3.1 General Description
- 3.2 Electrical Characteristics
- 3.2.1 DC Characteristics
- Table 3.5 Absolute Maximum Stress Ratings
- Table 3.6 Operating Conditions
- Table 3.7 LVD Driver SCSI Signals—A_SD[15:0]±, A_SDP[1:0]±, A_SCD±, A_SIO±, A_SMSG±, A_SREQ±, A_S...
- Figure3.4 LVD Driver
- Table 3.8 LVD Receiver SCSI Signals—A_SD[15:0]±, A_SDP[1:0]±, A_SCD±, A_SIO±, A_SMSG±, A_SREQ±, A...
- Figure3.5 LVD Receiver
- Table 3.9 DIFFSENS SCSI Signal
- Table 3.10 Input Capacitance
- Table 3.11 Bidirectional SCSI Signals—A_SD[15:0]±, A_SDP[1:0]±, A_SREQ±, A_SACK±, B_SD[15:0]±, B_...
- Table 3.12 Bidirectional SCSI Signals—A_SCD±, A_SIO±, A_SMSG±, A_SBSY±, A_SATN±, A_SSEL±, A_SRST±...
- Table 3.13 Input Control Signals—CLOCK, RESET/, WS_ENABLE
- Figure3.6 External Reset Circuit
- Table 3.14 Output Control Signals—BSY_LED, XFER_ACTIVE
- 3.2.2 TolerANT Technology Electrical Characteristics
- 3.2.3 AC Characteristics
- 3.2.4 SCSI Interface Timing
- 3.2.1 DC Characteristics
- 3.3 Mechanical Drawings
- AppendixA Wiring Diagrams
- AppendixB Board Design Considerations
- AppendixC Glossary
- Index
- Customer Feedback