E3.1, E3.1 preparing the controlwave project – Emerson Process Management ControlWave EFM 3808 User Manual
Page 185
Appendix E - Display/Keypad / E-3
Figure 2 - ACCOL3 DISPLAY Function Block Parameters
In order for the keypad and display to operate, the ControlWave Designer project must
include a properly configured Display Function Block. Once the Keypad is operating, a user
who has signed on with a password can scroll through the names of variable lists and
choose a list to read or change. Use Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to select the Username
and use the numeric keys to enter your password. The steps that follow describe how to
configure this function block.
Step 1: Creating the Identifier Display
The Identifier Display is the first display to appear when the Display Function Block is
initialized and begins to execute. This display will look similar to Figure 3. Each of the first
three lines of the display contains the text value of a string variable. These string variables
are created utilizing iaScrnStruct parameters of the Display Function Block (See Figure 2)
and your computer keyboard. Since this is the first display that the user will see, you may
want the display to contain general information such as the node name of the controller or
the process that the controller is monitoring.
The bottom line on the display is called the legend line. It shows which function keys are
currently active and their purpose. Function keys are those keys on the Keypad that are
marked ([F1] through [F4]). Function key assignments are preconfigured and cannot be
changed. Using function keys is described in Section 4, Using the Keypad.
The legend line in Figure 3 shows that the user has two choices: to Log-in (using [F1]) or
scroll (using [F2]).