Emerson Process Management ControlWave EFM 3808 User Manual
Page 112

2-60 / Installation & Operation
CI-ControlWave EFM
WINDIAG program, it must not otherwise be in use. Note: CPU Switch SW2-8 must
be set OFF to run the WINDIAG program. In lieu of the use of an RS-232 Port, an
RS-485 cable (see Tables 2-4A & 2-5) can be connected between COM5 and the PC’s
RS-485 Port.
COM8: From the factory, RS-232 Communications Port COM8 on the second optional
Expansion Communications Module defaults to 9600 baud, 8-bits, no parity, 1 stop
bit, BSAP/ControlWave Designer protocol operation. To test COM8 using the
WINDIAG program, it must not otherwise be in use. Note: CPU Switch SW2-8 must
be set OFF to run the WINDIAG program. When required, an RS-232 “Null Modem”
cable be connected between COM8 and the PC (typically COM1) (see Figure 2-12).
COM9 RS-485 Communications Port COM9 on the second optional Expansion
Communications Module defaults to 9600 baud, 8-bits, no parity, 1 stop bit,
BSAP/ControlWave Designer protocol operation. To test COM9 using the WIN-
DIAG program, it must not otherwise be in use. Note: CPU Switch SW2-8 must be
set OFF to run the WINDIAG program. In lieu of the use of an RS-232 Port, an RS-
485 cable (see Tables 2-4A & 2-5) can be connected between COM9 and the PC’s
RS-485 Port.
2.4.5 Optional Display/Keypad Assemblies
Two Display/Keypad Assemblies are offered; one with a dual-button Keypad (see Figure 2-
48) and one with a 25-button Keypad (see Figure 2-49). Both Display/Keypad Assemblies
utilize identical 4 x 20 LCD Displays. Each Display/Keypad Assembly employs a unique
microcontroller based Display/Keypad Interface Assembly that drive the 4 x 20 LCD
Display and interfaces the Keypad. Interface to the ControlWave EFM is made via a cable
equipped with RJ-45 plugs. This cable connects to the RJ-45 Display Interface Jack (J2) on
the System Controller Module and the RJ-45 Jack (J1) on the Display/Keypad Assembly. A
potentiometer is provided on the Display/Keypad Sub-assembly to set the contrast of the
LCD Display.
Figure 2-48 provides mounting hardware information for the Dual-button Display/Keypad
Assembly. Operation of the Dual-button Display/Keypad Assembly is discussed in section
Figure 2-49 provides mounting hardware information for the 25-button Display/Keypad
Assembly. Information on configuring the ‘Display Function Block’ (required to configure
the Display associated with the 25-button Display/Keypad Assembly) is provided in
ControlWave Designer’s On-Line Help.
Note: Operation of the 25-button Display/Keypad Assembly is discussed in Ap-
pendix E.