Emerson Process Management ControlWave EFM 3808 User Manual
Page 107

CI-ControlWave EFM
Installation & Operation / 2-55
Once the Flash download has begun, you will NOT be allowed to shut down LocalView,
unless you cancel the download, or it has been completed.
The progress of the Flash download will be displayed in the window. Any mismatch in file
versions, or if the type of .BIN file does not match the type of RTU, the download will be
Once the download has completed, disable Recovery Mode by setting System Controller
Module switch SW1 as follows: SW1-1 set OPEN (Right) and SW1-2 set CLOSED
(Left).Switch Power OFF and then ON again. Using HyperTerminal to Upgrade ControlWave EFM Firmware
A null modem cable (see Figure 2-12) must be connected to COM1 of the ControlWave
EFM and to any RS-232 port on the associated PC. The PC’s RS-232 port used for this
purpose must be set to run at 115.2 Kbaud. ControlWave EFM CPU Switch SW1, position,
3 must be set to the ON position or the System Controller Module Mode Switch SW1 must
initially be set as follows: SW1-1 set OPEN (Right) and SW1-2 set to CLOSED (Left).
1. If not already running, apply power to the associated PC.
2. Start the HyperTerminal program on the PC. Note: HyperTerminal is a Windows 95 (or
newer) application utility program. If using HyperTerminal for the first time, set the
communications properties (for the PC Port being utilized) via the Properties Menu as
follows: Bits per second: = 115200, Data bits: = 8, Parity: = None, Stop bits: = 1, and Flow
control: = None and then click OK.
3. Set the System Controller Module’s Mode Switch (SW1) for ‘Recovery Mode,’ i.e., both
switches in the OPEN (Right) or CLOSED (Left).position or set CPU Module Switch
SW1-3 ON.
4. Apply power to the ControlWave. The resident BIOS will initialize and test the
hardware, this process is referred to as POST (Power On Self Test).
Unless there is a problem status code 10 (LED #5 ON) will be posted to the SCM’s
Status LEDs. Detection of a fault during POST will be posted on the Status LEDs.
When the Power On Self Test has completed, a system status code will be posted to the
SCM’s Status LEDs (see Table 2-18 and Figure 2-47).
From the HyperTerminal Recovery Mode menu (Figure 2-43), press the ‘F’ key to enter
FLASH download. A message will be displayed warning that the FLASH is about to be
erased; press the ‘Y’ key at the prompt. The screen will display dots as the flash devices are
being erased; this could take a few minutes.
5. When the FLASH is ready for download the letter C will be displayed on the screen. In
the HyperTerminal command bar click on Transfer and then Send File…(see Figure 2-
44). In the Send File Dialog Box (see Figure 2-45), select “1KXmodem” for the protocol,
enter the filename of the appropriate .bin file in the format “CWExxxxx.bin” (where
xxxxx varies from release to release). Click on the Send button to start the download
(see Figure 2-45). When the HyperTerminal Recovery Mode Menu of Figure 2-43
appears, the download has completed.