Emerson Process Management ControlWave EFM 3808 User Manual
Page 177

Appendix D - Radio/Modem Installation Guide / D-7
Parity Check:
Carrier Detect: None/Off
Flow Control:
4. Cycle power to the ControlWave MICRO/ControlWave EFM. After hitting the escape
(Esc) key and then the carriage return twice (at approximately half second intervals),
the right arrow (>) will appear.
5. In the configuration menu, set the radio mode using either the MODE M (master) or
MODE R (remote) command. Note: There can be only one Master radio per
network. Go to the edit book and type in the serial number of the network’s Master
Radio. Set a unique Network Address (1 - 65000) using the ADDR command. Note: All
radios on the network must have the same Network Address. Make sure the Baud
Rate of any Remote Radio matches that of the Master Radio. Set the radio’s data
interface parameters (bps: 1200 – 114200 bps), Data Bits: (8). Parity (N), Stop bits: (1).
Once settings have been implemented, press the Esc Key to exit the configuration menu.
6. Set Expansion Comm. Module Configuration Jumper JP2 into a storage position, i.e.,
parked (no connection).
7. Apply power and test the unit.
D2.1.1 Installing an Internal MultiTech Modem (MT5634SMI)
MultiTech Modem Model MT5634SMI is provided (for user installation) in a kit consisting
of the following components:
• Nylon Support Post
• MultiTech Modem Module
To install a Model MT5634SMI Modem onto an Expansion Communication Module,
perform the following seven (7) steps:
1. Remove the Expansion Comm. Module from the unit in question (see Figure D1).
2. Unplug the Antenna Cable from the RF Connector on any installed Radio Module.
Grasp the Expansion Comm. Module with one hand. Squeeze both sides of the Cover
Panel (just below the unit’s top) and pull up and away to release the Cover Panel and
EMI Gasket from the PCB (see Figure D4).
Note: If necessary, a small screwdriver can
be used to pry the Cover Panel from the PCB.
3. Install the Nylon Support Post onto the Expansion Comm. Module.
4. Mount the MultiTech Modem to the Exp. Comm. Module making sure that the interface
connectors (J6, J7, J9 & J10 on Exp. Comm. Module) align.
5. Plug the Antenna Cable(s) (if present - removed in Step 2) into the appropriate RF
Connector of an installed Radio Module(s).