Emerson Process Management ControlWave EFM 3808 User Manual
Page 158

C-10 / Appendix C - Hardware Installation Guide
CI-ControlWave EFM
• For FreeWave Radio:
Follow the Tuning Transceiver Performance” section of the FreeWave Technologies Inc.
FreeWave Spread Spectrum Wireless Data Transceiver User Manual to configure the
For MDS Radio:
Refer to section 3.3 “Initial Power-Up & Configuration” within the MDS TransNet OEM
Integration Guide and if necessary for more information on connecting a PC terminal
and preparing it for use, refer to section 9.0 “PROGRAMMING REFERENCE.”
To invoke the setup program, connect the radio (via ECOM1 port COM4 or
ECOM2 port COM8) to a terminal program (such as HyperTerminal) via a null
modem cable (see Figure C-5A), put the radio into setup mode and set the
parameters for the terminal to those of Table C-5 below. The setup program is
invoked by connecting Pins 2 and 3 of ECOM Bd. Jumper Post JP2 via a
Suitcase Jumper.
Table C-5 - Radio Setup Menu Terminal Settings
Baud Rate
Data Rate
Parity None
Stop Bits
Parity Check
Carrier Detect
Flow Control
Modem Port
An optional 56K PSTN Hayes type Modem can be mounted piggy-back on each Expansion
Communications Module and is assigned port status as follows: COM7 for ECOM1 and
COM11 for ECOM2. The Model MT5634SMI Modem module is manufactured by MultiTech
System and can be user configured for PSTN operation. DTE/DCE serial data can be
clocked into (transmit) or out of (receive) the modem at a rate up to 115.2kHz.
Modems are supplied in kit form with all the hardware required for user installation onto
an Expansion Communications Module. Figure C-4 shows the modem mounted on the
Expansion Comm. Module. Modems are user installed onto the ECOM Module and their
associated Ports are setup during installation in the Ports Page of the Flash Configuration
Utility. The Flash Configuration Utility is accessed via NetView or LocalView.
A Terminal Emulation program such as HyperTerminal is used to profile the modem via AT
commands. Users typically use AT commands only when checking the modem’s active or
stored profile or when reconfiguring a modem, e.g., to turn auto answer on or off, etc.
Step 1. Hardware Configuration (Continued)
5. Remove and configure each I/O Module for its intended application. After configuration,
install them into the ControlWave EFM Base Assembly Chassis. I/O Modules may
reside in a ControlWave EFM Chassis as follows: