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HEIDENHAIN ATS Software User's Manual
Analog display of Z1 and Zn/Z1 comparison
Click the circle button
in the Z1 menu.
Two new graphics fields appear:
Upper graphics:
Sine/cosine display of the Z1 track (Y/t display)
x = sampling rate [KS/s]
y = Amplitude [Vpp]
Lower graphics:
Deviation of Z1 and Zn signals in degrees
x = Number of lines in 360°
y = Angular error in [°]
Rotate the encoder by at least one revolution.
The display can be frozen with the stop button
With the Y/t display of Z1, you can analyze the curve shape, the amplitude, etc. (like with a
standard 1 Vpp interface, but with only one sine/cosine curve).
The lower graphics shows the difference between the position calculated for Z1 (coarse
resolution, one 360° signal period is one revolution of the shaft) and Zn (fine resolution, e.g. 2048
signal periods equal one revolution of the shaft).
Ideally, the curve should be close to the zero line.
The vertical axis in the lower graphics shows the maximum deviation for HEIDENHAIN rotary
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