5 drive-cliq – HEIDENHAIN PWM 20 User Manual
Page 128

November 2014
Software description
5.7.5 DRIVE-CLiQ
DRIVE-CLiQ is the system interface of the SINAMICS drive system by SIEMENS AG. For more
information on DRIVE-CLiQ, please contact SIEMENS. DRIVE-CLiQ is a registered trademark of
Select the "Position display" function.
Encoders with DRIVE-CLiQ interface are dynamically configured during operation, e.g. as
regards the transmission time.
For such encoders, the PWM 20 uses a configuration that differs from that of the machine
or installation on which the encoder is operated.
Apart from the functional encoder check with PWM 20, the encoder also needs to be
inspected while mounted to the machine or installation. This means that the configuration
the PWM 20 uses for inspecting differs from the configuration in the machine / installation.
Consequently, a DRIVE-CLiQ unit may function properly in combination with a PWM 20, but
may not work at the machine!
The software functions are basically those of the EnDat interfaces.
In the following, only those software functions and control elements are described that
differ essentially from already described functions and elements. The DRIVE-CLiQ interface
is a purely serial interface; incremental signals are not transferred.
The ATS software does not support DRIVE-CLiQ components that are not HEIDENHAIN