Page 140

November 2014
Software description
Evaluation of the test for consistency:
Display in green (numerical value and LED symbol) = pass
Display in red (numerical value and LED symbol) = fail
Positions XIST1 (scaled), XIST2 (scaled), position value 2 (scaled):
The display values are converted according to the resolution required for the inspection (safety-
relevant resolution).
Data monitoring:
F1 / F2
Position error bits (encoder-internal)
Software life sign
Life sign generated by the encoder software
Hardware life sign
Life sign generated by the encoder hardware
Position value 2 CRC16
The position 2 created by the scanning ASIC of the encoder is verified by means of an
additional CRC in the encoder.
Monitor dynamic sampling (Tfd bit)
Monitoring bit (Tfd = "test failed") indicating that provoking at least one error during the
dynamic sampling test has failed.
Tracing of positions:
Xist1 - position value 1
Comparison of incremental position and redundant absolute position
Xist2 - position value 2
Comparison of absolute position and redundant absolute position
Max or current
Display of the maximum value or the current value
The consistency of the positions is monitored. The maximum permissible jump on position is "1".
The maximum and the current values are displayed.