Page 165

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HEIDENHAIN ATS Software User's Manual

Diagram 3

Display of on-off ratio over all signal periods
Y axis = On-off ratio TV 1, TV 2 and phase shift Pha
X axis = Number of signal periods
Ideal signal: The three signal curves should almost coincide; they may diverge within the
tolerance limits.

Red = TV 0° signal [°]


Blue = TV 90° signal [°]


Brown = PHA phase angle

Explanation of the "Recording" bar

File name of the save data

Start recording
The specified number of periods is recorded at the prescribe sampling rate.

The number of periods is determined by the incremental counter in the PWM 20.
One period corresponds to one increment (signal period or grating period).

A pop-up window shows the recording progress.
If the encoder is not moved after recording was started, recording will never end.
It can be terminated by pressing "Abort" in the pop-up window.
The recording does not end precisely at a point, but always a few periods after the
specified number of periods.

Recorded data are always saved to:
C:\Users\ …\AppData\Roaming\HEIDENHAIN\ats\SignalData.dat

The record is automatically loaded and displayed ("Read dialog" window).
The loading time depends on the file size (= number of periods and sampling rate).

100 kHz filter
Signal disturbances 100 kHz are suppressed.

Press this button to reset the zoom in all diagrams. The blue areas are shifted to
the left edges of the diagram windows.

Open file
Opens saved records. Existing files can be archived or sent for later examination.

Save file as
The file "SignalData.dat" can be saved under another name.

Export file
The file "SignalData.dat" can be saved as text file (raw data), e.g. for
further data collection, analysis and evaluation by software such as Matlab.
Observe the file size!
