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HEIDENHAIN ATS Software User's Manual

Sig A; Sig B

These are the amplitudes of the sinusoidal incremental signals A and B. In the ATS software the
designations A and B are used for the sine and cosine signals of both interfaces. The up-to-date
voltage interface is 1 Vpp; the 11 µApp current interface is "older" (I1 and I2 in the diagram).

A / B

Amplitude ratio of signals A and B


Phase angle difference of signals A and B

TV A (I1); TV B (I2)

The on-to-off ratio (TV) is a measure of the offset of the signals A (I1) and B (I2).
It can alternatively also be indicated as asymmetry (SYM).

SYM is indicated in radian measure; multiply the value with 180



convert it into degrees.

Definition of TV and Pha

On-to-off ratio error of incremental signal 1 (A), incremental signal 2 (B)

Analog incremental signals are triggered at zero crossover, i.e. they are converted into square-
wave signals.
A period (= high time plus low time of the square-wave signal) is subdivided into 360°.
If high time and low time of the square-wave signal are the same (ideal case), i.e. 180° each
(180° + 180° = 360°), the on-to-off ratio is 0°.
If the high time of the square-wave signal is longer than its low time, one speaks of a positive
on-to-off ratio.
An on-to-off ratio error of e.g. + 10° means that the high time of the square-wave signal is 190°
(180° + 10°) and its low time 170° (180° - 10°).

Formula: A / B; Nominal value = 1

Formula: Pha = |

A +

B| / 2

Formula: Asymmetry = |P - N| / 2


On-to-off ratio = 2


sin (2 SYM)


The on-to-off ratio error is also referred to as offset error.