Ipx general options, Ipx packet size, Ipx routing – Visara LINCS Configuration User Manual
Page 94: Ipx sna server name, Ipx packet size ipx routing ipx sna server name

LINCS Configuration
IPX General Options
This panel will appear after the Line Options panels if IPX has been enabled on any line.
IPX General Options
LINCS C8.2 Central Control
IPX/SPX Options
IPX Packet Size:
IPX Routing:
SPX Verify Timeout (sec):
SPX Listen Timeout (sec):
SPX Abort Timeout (sec):
SPX Retry Count:
IPX SNA Server Options
IPX Internal Network Number:
IPX SNA Server Name:
IPX SNA Server LUs:
PF: 1-Menu
9-Default 10-Done
In addition to the above IPX/SPX options, there are several RPQs related to the IPX feature.
These are located on the RPQ panel, that can be accessed from the Configuration Menu
(Panel_List) as Item 32. Among the RPQs are:
• Filter IPX Packet Type 20
• Map “ANY” LUs to “PUBLIC” LUs
• IPX SAP Filter
IPX Packet Size
This field allows the user to configure the maximum packet size supported by any direct
connect or internal IPX network segment. Configurable ranges for Ethernet are 618 to 1514
bytes, and for Token Ring are 618 to 4202 bytes. The default is 4202.
The maximum packet length applies to all Ethernet and Token Ring lines with IPX enabled.
If the configured IPX packet size is greater than 1514, and IPX is enabled on an Ethernet
adapter, then 1514 will be used for the Ethernet adapter, but the configured packet size will be
used for any Token Ring adapter.
IPX Routing
IPX routing is enabled by default. That is, if you have two or more LAN cards configured for
IPX protocol or if you have two or more frame types enabled for IPX protocol, then LINCS
will route between these cards or frame types. If you toggle this field to Disable, then LINCS
will no longer route IPX traffic between LAN adapters. This permits LINCS to act as the
SNA gateway for multiple LANs without compromising security between two or more LANs.
IPX SNA Server Name
The Server Name uniquely identifies this IPX SNA Server to the network, and is a maximum
of 16 characters. Valid characters are upper and lower case alphanumeric, hyphen, and
underline. There is no default value.
Note that this name is case sensitive, and that client and server names must match exactly.