Visara LINCS Configuration User Manual
Page 228

LINCS Configuration
Device Based Shift Status - The shift key status affects all sessions vs. only the foreground
Presentation Space Update in File Transfer mode - This RPQ, when enabled, will force
the 1174 to rewrite the entire screen when an Erase/Write is received and the device is in File
Transfer mode. Normal operation of the 1174, is to update the area of the screen beginning
with the first character position on the screen that changed to the last character position on the
screen that changed. Enabling this RPQ could cut into performance, but may be necessary
with some file transfer programs.
Ignore DNS cache - DNS resolutions are not cached when this RPQ is enabled. This forces
every request for use of a DNS name to go to the DNS name server.
Maximize User Disk Space - enabling this RPQ will cause LINCS to limit the amount of
hard disk space set aside for the LINCS operating system to 15 MB, making available the
other 5 MB for features such as LPD Print Serving and Central Site Customization. This RPQ
is normally invoked on older LINCS platforms that have only a 20 MB hard drive installed.
UNBIND before NOTIFY power-off sequence - when a LAN-based client disconnects
from LINCS, forcing an UNBIND and a NOTIFY to be sent, the UNBIND will be sent first
if the RPQ is enabled, and NOTIFY will be sent first if the RPQ is disabled.
Disc TN3270 Clients that violate SNA protocol – This RPQ will cause LINCS to monitor
for excessive inbound traffic from a TN3270 client that would indicate that it is not properly
adhering to SNA change direction events. (If client is streaming Enter or other AID keys, this
RPQ will disconnect the client.)
Reset Session on NonSNA ESCON Read Timeout - This RPQ should be enabled, any time
that the SCON is supporting TN3270 clients. (Later versions of LINCS 7.1 and higher may
not offer this RPQ option, it will automatically be enabled.) If set to ‘Disable’, and the host
attempts to do a Read to one of the TN3270 clients, resulting in a timeout (TN3270 client
takes 1 second or more to respond), the channel is taken offline.
If set to ‘Enable’, LINCS will generate a UC response with a Status of Resetting Event, that
will normally result in the user’s screen being repainted. Resetting of the session will also
result in the logging of an event 540-82 in the Event Log. The user may have to reenter the
last command.
Sungard ESCON Identification Scheme - When enabled, information taken from the ‘Unique
Machine Identifier’ field in configuration will be inserted into the Node Identifier frame that
is exchanged during the link initialization process. This information can be displayed from
the host side. If disabled, LINCS defaults the information in this field.
Fujitsu special inbound UNBIND - This RPQ provides the correct sequence of events to
request an UNBIND in the fashion expected by a Fujitsu mainframe.
Use device model size to validate Bind - This RPQ allows the 1174 to ignore the information
provided by the query reply of the Extended Function Feature’s capabilities and accept or
reject the session BIND based on the identification provided by the device at POR time. This
would apply only to devices that support partitioning.