Product definition, Scon-2xl product definition panel – Visara LINCS Configuration User Manual

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LINCS Configuration


Product Definition

The Product Definition panel allows you to customize the hardware definition of the LINCS
platform that is to be used by the software during the configuration process. Initially the panel
contains a description of the hardware that is installed on your particular platform. The boards
listed on this panel can vary from model to model (shown is a panel from one of the SCON
models). It is possible to modify this hardware list, which will affect the number and types of
panels that will be offered during the configuration process.

Caution should be taken when modifying the values on this panel since adding hardware
values that do not actually exist on the platform will most certainly create a configuration that
can not be booted on your unit.

SCON-2XL Product Definition Panel

SCON-2XL Product Definition

LINCS C8.2 Central Control

Number of Coax Ports:


Number of ESC Boards:


Number of TRC Boards:


Number of FET Boards:


Feature Memory (megabytes):


PF: 1-Menu





Changes to this panel are made for primarily three reasons:

1. You are adding hardware to an existing platform, and you must identify the new hardware

to the LINCS configuration process so that it may be configured.

2. You do not wish to make use of hardware that is already installed on your LINCS platform,

and you wish to disable the hardware for the configuration process, to make your
configuration simpler.

3. You are making a configuration for a physically different LINCS platform. Note that you

may make configurations for only the same model with this utility. Use the Central Site
Customization Utility to make and store configurations for other SCON and 1174 platforms.

All fields on the Product Definition panel are toggle fields. The panel may not be exited if an
invalid board combination is selected. Appropriate messages will be displayed if errors are

If you decrease the number of boards, then the last line assigned for that board type is
deleted. For example, if you reduce the number of FET boards from 2 to 1, FET2 will be
deleted. You must then update all other panels which refer to the board/lines you just

If you make undesired changes to this panel, suspect that undesired changes have been made,
or just wish to ensure that all installed hardware is correctly represented on this panel, press
the PF9-Default key.