3270 host circuit information – Visara LINCS Configuration User Manual

Page 136

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LINCS Configuration


When entering the Host Circuit panel from the Configuration Main Menu, a host circuit letter
or host Identifier may be entered as a parameter. Entering a specific host as a parameter will
advance the display directly to that host circuit.

Note that if host circuits are configured for a given line, and that line is taken away using the
Product Description Panel, the Host Circuit panels must be updated to remove all references
to the deleted line.

3270 Host Circuit Information

A host circuit is a logical host connection on the physical line. Each physical unit (PU) address
on a line corresponds to one host circuit. You must define a host circuit for every PU that is
not gatewayed.

Note that:

• TRC and ETH lines must have 802.2 LLC or TCP/IP enabled on the Line Options panel

in order to configure a host circuit.

• Only one host circuit may be assigned to each Channel/Non-SNA line.

• SDLC/DAP lines cannot be configured as host circuits. DAP lines never connect to a

host, they always connect to downstream PUs.

The following special PF keys are defined for Host Circuit panels:

• PF3-Def_Dflt (Define Default) Pressing this key allows you to define a default host

circuit. When a host circuit is added (PF4) or defaulted (PF9), it will assume the values
defined in the default circuit. Refer to Default 3270 Host Circuit for additional

• PF4-Add (Add Host Circuit) - Pressing this key allows you to add a host circuit. When

you press PF4, the new circuit will be displayed with the values defined in the default

• Note that one host circuit is initially defined when you page to this utility for the first


• PF5-Delete (Delete Host Circuit) Deletes the displayed host circuit and pages forward.

You can also use this function key to delete the last Gateway Circuit or APPN Predefined

• PF9-Default This function defaults the current circuit to the values assigned in the Default

3270 Host Circuit.